How to Throw a Cornhole Bag Like A Pro: Tips, Techniques, Strategy

Cornhole, a beloved backyard game, is all about precision and technique. To become a cornhole pro, you need to know how to throw a corn bag the right way. In this guide, we’ll break down the essential steps to achieve the perfect cornhole toss, ensuring that you have the upper hand in every match. Let’s get started!

How to Throw a Cornhole Bag Step-byStep Guide

how to throw a cornhole bag

The Pre-Throw Preparation

Before you start throwing, make sure your cornhole board is properly set up. Place the boards 27 feet apart from each other, ensuring they are parallel. Each board should have a hole, centered 12 inches from the top and 6 inches from each side. Once your boards are set up, it’s time to move on to the next step.

Here’s what you need to do before the toss:

  1. Get in the Zone: Mental focus is key. Block out distractions and concentrate on the game.
  2. Eyes on the Prize: Just like in golf, keep your eye on the target until the bag lands in the hole.

The Stance – Finding Your Balance

Your stance lays the foundation for a successful cornhole throw. Explore these options:

  1. Shoulder-Width Stance: Stand with your feet firmly planted shoulder-width apart for control.
  2. The Step: Add a step forward with the opposite leg to involve your legs in generating power.

The Grip and Aim

The way you hold the bag and aim can make or break your toss. Follow these steps:

  1. Proper Grip: Hold the bag in your dominant hand, distribute the resin evenly, and curl your index finger around a corner.
  2. Aim for the Center: Instead of aiming directly for the hole, target the center of the board for more consistent results.

The Toss – Smooth and Controlled

Don’t rush the toss; it’s where technique shines. Keep these points in mind:

  • Take Your Time: Slow, controlled motion is crucial after all the preparation.
  • The Arc: Release the bag when your arm forms a 90-degree angle, and toss it with a flat, spinning motion for accuracy.

Three Common Cornhole Throws

With your bag held firmly in hand, it’s time to delve into three common cornhole throws that can turn the tide of any game.

The Slider

Imagine your bag gliding smoothly across the board, hitting the surface, and gently sliding into the hole. This throw is a must for every cornhole player. It’s known for being consistent and reliable. To make the perfect slider, you need to learn the right path and how much power to use. This way, your bag will land exactly where you want it to, sliding gracefully into the hole. The slider is a great choice when you want a controlled and safe shot.

The Air Mail

If you want to amaze and intimidate your opponents, go for the air mail throw. This move involves tossing the bag in a high, graceful arc, sending it flying through the air and straight into the hole without touching the board. The air mail needs skill and precision, making it challenging but incredibly satisfying. When you do it perfectly, your rivals will be impressed by your cornhole skills.

The Push Throw

While offense is important, defense matters too in cornhole. The push throw is your go-to defensive move. It’s meant to either nudge your opponent’s bags out of the way or, ideally, push them into the hole. This throw demands accuracy and control. By landing your bag close to the hole, you create a strong barrier, making it tough for your opponents to make their shots. Mastering the push throw can give you a real advantage in competitive cornhole games.

What is It Called When the Bag is Thrown Directly into the Hole?

Ah, the coveted “hole-in-one” in cornhole, a moment of sheer triumph that every player aspires to achieve. This term, often exclaimed with jubilation, refers to the remarkable feat of throwing a bean bag directly into the hole on the cornhole board. It is the ultimate display of accuracy and technique, and while it may seem like a stroke of luck, it’s mostly the result of honing your skills.

Tips for Throwing Bean Bags

Becoming a cornhole virtuoso isn’t just about tossing bean bags aimlessly. It’s about mastering the art of precision. Here are some invaluable tips to help you improve your cornhole throwing technique:

  • Practice Makes Perfect: Dedicate time to practice regularly. Developing muscle memory is essential for consistent throws.
  • Master Your Stance: Find a comfortable yet balanced stance. Experiment with a shoulder-width stance or adding a step to involve your legs for added power.
  • Grip It Right: Hold the cornhole bag with your dominant hand. Ensure even distribution of resin across the bag and curl your index finger around a corner for control.
  • Aim for the Center: Rather than aiming directly for the hole, target the center of the board. This increases your chances of success, as bags often slide into the hole.
  • Control Your Toss: Slow and steady wins the game. Maintain control by executing a smooth, slow-motion toss. Release the bag when your arm forms a 90-degree angle, and add a flat, spinning throw for stability.

How to Hold a Cornhole Bag

The key to a successful cornhole throw lies in your grip. Holding the cornhole bag correctly can significantly impact your accuracy and control. To hold a cornhole bag:

Place your thumb in the center of the bag, ensuring that the resin is evenly distributed.

Curl your index finger around one of the corners of the bag, providing stability and control.

Allow your other fingers to support the rest of the bag, maintaining a firm but not overly tight grip.

How to Throw Corn Toss

A successful corn toss is a culmination of precise technique. Once you’ve found your stance and grip, it’s time to execute the perfect throw:

  1. Maintain focus and composure as you prepare to release the bag.
  2. Use a slow, controlled motion to ensure accuracy.
  3. Aim for the center of the board, as bags often slide into the hole from there.
  4. Release the bag when your arm forms a 90-degree angle.
  5. Employ a frisbee-like throw, giving the bag a flat, spinning motion for stability in flight.

Can You Throw Overhand in Cornhole?

The debate rages on whether throwing overhand is a valid technique in cornhole. While traditionalists argue against it, some players have adopted the overhand technique for its unique advantages. However, it’s crucial to note that many cornhole leagues and tournaments do not permit overhand throws, considering them less traditional. Whether or not you choose to embrace the overhand throw ultimately depends on your preference and the rules of the game you’re playing.

Also Read: Cornhole Distance

Cornhole Throwing Techniques

Cornhole, a deceptively simple yet highly competitive lawn game, demands more than just a casual flick of the wrist. To excel in this pastime, you must understand the intricacies of cornhole throwing technique.

Stance and Foot Placement

The foundation of a successful cornhole throw begins with your stance and foot placement. To achieve optimal balance and accuracy, follow these steps:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, ensuring a stable base.
  2. Position your dominant foot slightly ahead of the other, with your toes pointing towards the cornhole board.
  3. Distribute your body weight evenly between both feet, keeping your weight centered.

Grip and Hand Placement

A proper grip on the cornhole bag is crucial for control and precision. Here’s how to hold the bag effectively:

  1. Place your thumb on top of the bag, centering it.
  2. Position your fingers underneath the bag, forming a supportive cradle.
  3. Keep your wrist straight, avoiding excessive bending.

Arc and Release

Achieving the ideal arc and release point is pivotal for landing your bag in the cornhole. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth throw:

  1. Swing your arm gently backward, allowing the bag to hang loosely at your side.
  2. As you initiate the throw, bring your arm forward in a fluid motion, releasing the bag at the peak of your swing.
  3. Aim to release the bag when your arm is at a 45-degree angle relative to the ground.
  4. Ensure a clean release, letting the bag spin as it flies toward the board.

Body Posture

Maintaining proper body posture throughout your throw is essential for consistency. Follow these guidelines:

  1. Keep your upper body relaxed but engaged, avoiding excessive tension.
  2. Maintain a straight posture with your chest slightly forward.
  3. Focus your gaze on the cornhole board, honing in on your target.

Wrapping Up

As you embark on your journey to becoming a cornhole expert, remember that patience and persistence are your allies. By perfecting your stance, grip, arc, and release, you’ll find yourself consistently hitting the cornhole and enjoying the game to its fullest. So, gather your friends and family, set up your cornhole boards, and put these techniques to the test. A world of cornhole fun awaits, and with the right skills, you’ll be the champion of the backyard in no time.


In cornhole, a bag that goes through the hole earns three points, while a bag that lands on the board without going through earns one point. The game is typically played to 21 points.

A push throw is when you release the bag with a flat spin, while a spin throw involves giving the bag a rotational spin. Both techniques can be effective, so choose the one that suits your style.

Yes, in a standard game, players from opposing teams take turns throwing bags, and the team that scored in the previous round goes first in the next round.

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